La prima parte dello studio si sofferma sull’antropologia biblica, nella quale si iscrive l’agire sacrificale in quanto agire umano, mettendo in luce alcune consistenti differenze rispetto a quelle dell’uomo occidentale moderno e contemporaneo. In questo quadro emerge la portata radicalmente innovativa della rivelazione Dio è amore (1Gv 4,8.16). Investendo i fondamenti dell’antropologia, sfida l’individualismo ‘lineare’ della modernità, in particolare nella comprensione del vissuto dell’agire sacrificale.
Parole chiave: Bibbia; culto; sacrificio; agire umano.
The first section of this study focuses on some features of biblical anthropology as a reference for experiencing and understanding human sacrificial actions, and highlights some significant differences from contemporary Western anthropology. It is against this background that a radically innovative appreciation of the revelation that «God is love» (1Gv 4,8.16) emerges, one that affects the foundations of anthropology and thus challenges the ‘linear’ individualism of modernity, particularly in its understanding and experiencing of sacrificial activity.
Keywords: Bible; worship; sacrifice; human doing.